The teambuilding industry is littered with facilitators with little or no Organizational Development knowledge and skills. Many “professional” teambuilding concerns utilise young facilitators that have zero understanding of business nor the intricate people dynamic within organisations.
Many companies invest vast sums of money on team building events that do very little to change the work behaviour of their staff.
Typical team building functions can be broken into three levels with vastly different outcomes, namely;
- A fun affair
- A developmental event or
- A diagnostic process
Fun Affair
The Fun team building event is that where the facilitator takes teams through entertaining games such as Odd-Ball Olympics, Beach sport, TV theme competitions and other similar activities. Although usually enjoyable, little value is taken back to the company.
Should your organisation be looking for a relaxed outing where team members are able to engage their colleagues at a social level, then this category of team building may prove adequate. The question is, ‘Does it actually build the team or is it just socialising?’
Developmental Event
This category is characterised by the team building company designing activities that highlight various well researched team building competencies. These may include, amongst others, planning, organising, effective communication, providing support and learning from others.
Competent facilitators are able to showcase where the participants have successfully applied team building skills and further highlight where they are able to improve their team efficiencies. Facilitators will draw parallels between the workplace and the activities – demonstrating what delegates could do at work to become more efficient.
This category will have success in that it builds awareness of the group dynamics and kick-starts a programme for improved workplace behaviour.
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The Importance of Pulling Together
Diagnostic Team Building Process
This approach is built on the understanding that behavioural change is a process rather than an event. The success of the intervention is based on clearly defined business objectives that are measurable, team members that are held accountable and, thirdly ongoing support from an external Organisational Development specialist.
Before the original involvement the Organisational Development practitioner will invest energy in studying the business and the specific team under question. The facilitator will design a team building approach based on the company’s strategic objectives and the current team dynamic. The team building consultant is likely to include a range of workplace simulations to support intrapersonal, interpersonal and organisational growth.
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The Top 7 Qualities of a Cohesive Team
This methodology is likely to achieve long term sustainable behavioural change that is continually monitored, measured and rewarded.
“Behavioural change does not have a toggle switch, it is a process” Colin Vermaak
Ian Scott and Colin Vermaak have been highly successfully involved in these procedures with Blue Chip clients for 25 years. One of the secrets of their success is that they personally facilitate every course whether Fun, Developmental or Diagnostic.
Let us assist you to achieve bottom line financial improvement through a professionally planned team developmental strategy. Contact us now.