“Eyes radiate authority and give direction, focus and meaning to your message …. they answer critical questions when you are trying to connect” – Nicholas Boothman
You meet Bert at a cocktail party. He has a face like an outraged weasel. His thin lips stretch into a barely perceptible smirk – more of a contemptuous snarl than a smile. As you speak his eyes are straying all over the room like a dog looking for a hole in the fence.
How do you feel and what message is he giving out?

On the other hand, Don looks you straight in the eye and gives you a beaming smile. This person is enthusiastic about you! As you talk, nothing distracts him from giving you his complete attention.
Now how do you feel?
The most successful way to reinforce the bond between yourself and other people is to look them in the eye and smile.
Eye contact is one of the most crucial avenues we have for communication. In business it sends subtle signals; We tend to be uneasy with someone that won’t look you in the eye.
Conversely, there’s a message of trust in those that engage your eyeball. They exude an approachable and confident stance which states, “You are important to me. I am interested in you and your requirements”.
These are the attributes which people look for when dealing with others. When you smile, it shows you are happy to be dealing with them. And a cheerful person invariably does a better job than those who are miserable.
Your face tells people who you are.
“The face is a picture of the mind with the eyes as its interpreter.” Marcus Tullius Cicero
Commentary published by Scott’s Teambuilding on 2nd May 2013