“Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you can’t get more time” – Jim Rohn
Many of us spend our days handling supposedly “urgent” problems such as taking or making unimportant telephone calls, dawdling over simple, mundane tasks, becoming absorbed in social media, gossiping and procrastination on unpleasant (and often important tasks) which are put off because ‘we haven’t got the time’. Failure to prioritize and taking on too many tasks whilst neglecting essentials also leads to low productivity.
If your schedule is filled with unimportant urgencies, you won’t have time to learn new things, research, and exchange ideas or try to prevent future problems. And nor will you grow.
The old adage applies, “the person, who concentrates entirely on sawing wood, will forget to sharpen the blade”.
Now Read: Developing Leadership In Your Team – Where Do You Start?Recognise that by putting off the inevitable tasks just generates stress and discontent. The best way to begin managing your time is to recognise your tendencies.
Where are you spending most of your time? Ask yourself honestly “is this really necessary in helping me go forward? Are these tasks helping me in achieving my objectives?
If not, cut out them out.
Yes, it’s very pleasant to gossip for 30 minutes, constantly check the updates on your phone or engage on entertaining online activities, but what value is that at the end of the day? It’s just putting you half an hour behind time. And those half hours add up.
It’s like getting a garden bucket with a gaping hole in the bottom and trying to fill it with water.
You have to make time. Exercise discipline.
Time management is about managing yourself first.
And there are many time management techniques but the basic premise utilised by successful leaders and team members is to learn to focus on the IMPORTANT issues – those which are going to help you and the organisation go forward.
Furthermore, if you set goals and have a daily schedule for your obligations, this planning results in the achievement of a production level in line with your full potential.
Personal leadership is managing your time to put YOU in control of your day – and the resultant relaxed state of mind of “being totally organised” will follow.
If you are looking to improve your time management, your leadership skills, how you work in a team and so much more, look no further. Scott’s Teambuilding offer a variety of courses, ranging from teambuilding courses to leadership course aimed to help improve your team. Contact us today to find out more or book your course.
From Udemy.comThe Captain’s Experience: Leadership & Team Development Masterclass
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