Do you want an unfair advantage when dealing with people?

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Do you want an unfair advantage when dealing with people?

Scott’s Teambuilding share an unfair advantage when dealing with people
Some people have an uncanny knack of being able to effortlessly influence other’s behaviour. How do they do this?

Personality is consistent

Each person holds a specific personality type ranging from introvert to extravert and within this frame we have amiable, analytical, expressive or assertive temperaments. Our personality is constant and influences both our decision making and resultant behaviour. Our conduct, therefore, is structured on our own character and this may not always resonate with everyone. If we have insight into other personality types (which are reasonably predictable) we could possibly structure our approach to sway people’s decision making. To successfully influence different individuals, we will have to understand and then adapt our methodology to suit the person we are engaging.

A simple method

For example, if we know that a prospective client’s personality is anchored in introversion and we understand that they make slow, careful decisions based on rational thought, we may consider influencing their purchasing decision by dealing with the person in a calm and measured manner. Logically structure the sales pitch and provide plenty of written facts. Allow them the time to work through the detail without feeling the pressure to make a hurried decision; However, if a team member is an extrovert, they are likely to react more favourably if you talk in an upbeat manner. Focus on relationships rather than work issues and allow them the space to share their ideas without interruption. The general examples above are then broken down and focus on the specific type of character within the whole spectrum from amiable right through to assertive temperaments.

Learn More About Leadership and Teambuilding with Scott’s Teambuilding Today

If you are looking to improve your leadership skills, look no further. Scott’s Teambuilding offer a variety of courses, ranging from teambuilding to leadership to help improve your team. Contact us today to find out more or book your course. Now Read: Embracing Mistakes >