Virtual Coaching: Understanding Different Personality Types

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Virtual Coaching: Understanding Different Personality Types

The workplace is a melee of interpersonal dealings where we are expected to positively influence a range of very diverse people. These may be your teammates, customers, suppliers, subordinates or even your manager.

Imagine if you had that unique talent of getting the best from all the people that you engage!

Scott’s Teambuilding’s “People are Different, not Difficult” Zoom workshop is a highly interactive fun exercise to partake in.

What to Expect From The Virtual Coaching Session

Delegates will develop a deeper understanding of each other’s natural behavioural styles and learn communication strategies that will enhance the productivity of both individuals and the team.

Delegates will learn;

  • How different personality styles impact productivity.
  • How to easily identify the different types.
  • What motivates and drives each team player.
  • How to positively influence each personality type.
  • How to amend your communication style for different personalities.

Read Next: Are You Shifting Your Shape as a Leader?

This 1 ½ hour team building and coaching session, which is extremely entertaining, can be run as an in-house workshop, an online ZOOM session or an off-site open-air program (all with the appropriate social distancing protocols).

Call Us Now to Take Advantage of Our Spring Promotion

If you would like to take advantage of this special offer then be sure to contact us to avoid disappointment.

Now Read: Inspiring Leaders Build Successful & Motivated Teams